Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Capt1051
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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Capt1051
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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par Cubatec Jeu 16 Juin - 10:24

Someone managed to solve the sound problem ALC 1150 ?

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2015
Age : 58
Localisation : Brasil

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par arcade33 Jeu 16 Juin - 12:01

Cubatec a écrit:Someone managed to solve the sound problem ALC 1150 ?
ok sorry
you have installed kext for your ALC1150 and you don't get sound ?????
or you get a bad sound , with crash and noise

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Date d'inscription : 27/10/2013
Age : 69
Localisation : LANGON 33 - FRANCE

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par Cubatec Jeu 16 Juin - 12:58

In fact, there appears no device installed, is blank I've tried a few options without success. To getting crazy already kkkkk.

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2015
Age : 58
Localisation : Brasil

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par arcade33 Ven 17 Juin - 9:56

Cubatec a écrit:In fact, there appears no device installed, is blank I've tried a few options without success. To getting crazy already kkkkk.
How have you made your install off SIERRA ????
i've seen you get problem with your usb3 !!!
did you got EL CAPITAN working on this mother board ???

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Date d'inscription : 27/10/2013
Age : 69
Localisation : LANGON 33 - FRANCE

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par Cubatec Ven 17 Juin - 10:54

To tell the truth , both in El Capitan and in the Sierra , I can not get USB 3.0 on the rear outputs , and I can not get sound ALC1150 , we've tried several tutorials but without success, in my Yosemite everything works now at El Capitan and Sierra have problems with sound and USB , so rolls USB 2.0 ...

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2015
Age : 58
Localisation : Brasil

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par arcade33 Ven 17 Juin - 10:56

Cubatec a écrit:To tell the truth , both in El Capitan and in the Sierra , I can not get USB 3.0 on the rear outputs , and I can not get sound ALC1150 , we've tried several tutorials but without success, in my Yosemite everything works now at El Capitan and Sierra have problems with sound and USB , so rolls USB 2.0 ...
How have you made your install off SIERRA and EL CAPITAN ????
what is your installer ????
when you make your USB STICK !!!!

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Date d'inscription : 27/10/2013
Age : 69
Localisation : LANGON 33 - FRANCE

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par Cubatec Ven 17 Juin - 11:29

To install the Sierra used the Clover_v2 .
3k_r3561 , Boot Flags dart = 0 , kext -dev -mode = 1 and added mbasd = 1 , FakeSMC.kext , drivers64UEFI used: OsxAptioFixDrv - 64.efi and PartitionDxe.efi , SMBIOS used iMac14,1 ​​and found it to boot I had to change my Rt Variables : CsrActiveConfig 0x67 , there went good in verbose mode, but when I installed the Sierra system , mimhas rear doors did not work at all, just installing MultiMACHIN El Capitan USB option 7/8/9 Series USB Suport , worked there but I lost the USB3.0 , and the sound also no chance in my Z97xUD7TH motherboard, phew already estressei me , to almost give up , if you can give me a help , thank you , any solution , thanks ...

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2015
Age : 58
Localisation : Brasil

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par arcade33 Ven 17 Juin - 12:00

Cubatec a écrit:To install the Sierra used the Clover_v2 .
3k_r3561 , Boot Flags dart = 0 , kext -dev -mode = 1 and added mbasd = 1 , FakeSMC.kext , drivers64UEFI used: OsxAptioFixDrv - 64.efi and PartitionDxe.efi , SMBIOS used iMac14,1 ​​and found it to boot I had to change my Rt Variables : CsrActiveConfig 0x67 , there went good in verbose mode, but when I installed the Sierra system , mimhas rear doors did not work at all, just installing MultiMACHIN El Capitan USB option 7/8/9 Series USB Suport , worked there but I lost the USB3.0 , and the sound also no chance in my Z97xUD7TH motherboard, phew already estressei me , to almost give up , if you can give me a help , thank you , any solution , thanks ...
first i want to say that we make an exception for you
we don't support TONNY and his installers
for SIERRA try this installer : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B661P9Kp9bPAZFh4MkJMVmRvc3c/view
for your sound try this one : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B661P9Kp9bPAN19LOUh0c1czc3c/view
and this one :https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B661P9Kp9bPAaTdhVlBjaUJNVG8/view
for your usb3 read this post : http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/306777-guide-usb-fix-el-capitan-1011/
i can help you more for the time being Very Happy Very Happy
good hack Very Happy Very Happy
i hope see you later ha26 ha26 ha26
with good news

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Date d'inscription : 27/10/2013
Age : 69
Localisation : LANGON 33 - FRANCE

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par Cubatec Ven 17 Juin - 12:14

I'm sorry , I was in the fast lane and ended up not getting resultos , thank you for your attention because it tastes great forum, because there is a concern with one another to solve a problem , if liver Any doubts I call you for sure , here in Brazil I am audio Engineer , and help the guys in studio with hackintosh hum give support , thank you for caring forum and you ....

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2015
Age : 58
Localisation : Brasil

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par arcade33 Ven 17 Juin - 12:15

Cubatec a écrit:I'm sorry , I was in the fast lane and ended up not getting resultos , thank you for your attention because it tastes great forum, because there is a concern with one another to solve a problem , if liver Any doubts I call you for sure , here in Brazil I am audio Engineer , and help the guys in studio with hackintosh hum give support , thank you for caring forum and you ....

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Date d'inscription : 27/10/2013
Age : 69
Localisation : LANGON 33 - FRANCE

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

Message par Cubatec Ven 17 Juin - 12:20

Thanks, Arcade33....

Date d'inscription : 08/06/2015
Age : 58
Localisation : Brasil

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Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X  Empty Re: Problem with sound SIERRA ALC 1150 on Z97X

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