Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Capt1051
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Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Capt1051
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Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected

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Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Empty Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected

Message par spn Mar 19 Mai - 8:25

Bonjour a tour, Hi!

I've used the HP-Probook-EliteBook-Package-Creator by chris 1111 and worked very well on my HP Probook 6470b, and the card reader is not detected...

when I put an SD card on the reader, is not detected

if I open disk utility, doesn't show anything... only when I eject the SD card, the HDD appear

I've searched on this forum and on google, but I haven't found solution

anyone can help me?
thanks in advance

Date d'inscription : 17/05/2020

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Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Empty Re: Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected

Message par spn Mer 20 Mai - 6:12

I've cheched and the Card reader seems to be:


Chip Number JMB38X
Chip Description JMB38X SD/MMC - JMicron PCIe SD Host Controller

anyone has configured this card reader?

Date d'inscription : 17/05/2020

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Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Empty Re: Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected

Message par chris1111 Mer 20 Mai - 7:29

This is not clear
What is the Mac OS you have installed ?
Please clarify use google translate correctly
JMicron PCIe SD Host Controller suppose to work with HP-Probook-EliteBook-Package-Creator you have the both kext in Clover for making work
Check the BIOS SETUP for activate the card reader
The card reader not appears on System report but suppose to mont the card
on that image

Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Captur69

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Empty Re: Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected

Message par spn Mer 20 Mai - 7:34

chris1111 a écrit:This is not clear
What is the Mac OS you have installed ?
Please clarify use google translate correctly
JMicron PCIe SD Host Controller suppose to work with HP-Probook-EliteBook-Package-Creator you have the both kext in Clover for making work
Check the BIOS SETUP for activate the card reader
The card reader not appears on System report but suppose to mont the card
on that image

Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Captur69

sorry if some information missed:

os: Catalina 10.15.04
now I have done nothing, and a 256gb sdhc it's recognized... and a 32gb is not recognized.

Date d'inscription : 17/05/2020

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Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Empty Re: Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected

Message par chris1111 Mer 20 Mai - 7:59

What ? Sorry I don't understand?

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Empty Re: Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected

Message par spn Mer 20 Mai - 8:15

I insert a 32gb micro sd hc + Adapter in the card slot in the Probook and the card is not mouted (tryed on another pc in windows and it works properly)

I insert a 256gb micro sd hc in the same previous adapter, and the card is mounted correctly (the icon mounted is an external hdd icon)

I don't understand the difference, but this mean that the probook intstaller has conigured correctly the kext for the SD Card Reader.

Date d'inscription : 17/05/2020

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Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Empty Re: Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected

Message par chris1111 Mer 20 Mai - 8:49

Maybe the 32 gig SD Card not support on macOS and the 256 gig Yes is support ha26

EDIT ** Or the 256 gig SD is not well format??

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected Empty Re: Hp Probook 6470b - No card reader detected

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