HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work Capt1051
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HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work Capt1051
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HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work

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HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work Empty HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work

Message par spn Mer 17 Juin - 16:07

After configuring my probook 6470 succesfully with Catalina (thanks to Chris) I'm trying to install Mojave 10.14.6 on my second laptop: HP Probook 6460b.

The bios settings is .67, I've tryed to downgrade it but seems impossible (via windows and via dos too)

I Install and login on Mojave, than I run the installer HP-Probook-EliteBook, with intel hd 3000 low res but when I reboot, everything works fine except the video card.

I've tryed also to run Fix Graphics HD 3000 Mojave-10.14, but when I reboot, I have black screen.

Any Idea to address this problem?

thank you in advance.

Date d'inscription : 17/05/2020

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HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work Empty Re: HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work

Message par chris1111 Mer 17 Juin - 17:04

Fix Graphics HD 3000 Mojave-10.14 suppose to works its work for many people including me

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work Empty Re: HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work

Message par spn Jeu 18 Juin - 4:03

chris1111 a écrit:Fix Graphics HD 3000 Mojave-10.14 suppose to works its work for many people including me

thank you for your reply.

I've tried with another clean installation.

just applying fix Graphics HD 3000 Mojave-10.14 after the installation and restart, when osx load stuck on a black screen.

I've tryed to enable verbose mode, and I try to attach here if some one have any idea.

thank you
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Date d'inscription : 17/05/2020

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HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work Empty Re: HP Probook 6460b - Intel hd 3000 won't work

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