Mountain Lion 10.8 Installation Problem On HP ProBook 6450b Capt1051
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Mountain Lion 10.8 Installation Problem On HP ProBook 6450b Capt1051
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Mountain Lion 10.8 Installation Problem On HP ProBook 6450b

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Mountain Lion 10.8 Installation Problem On HP ProBook 6450b Empty Mountain Lion 10.8 Installation Problem On HP ProBook 6450b

Message par krishna.boe Mar 20 Aoû - 8:23

First of all Thanks for the tutorial. I think it's really helpful for the user to make usbbootable drive.
I have few Laptop Of HP ProBook 6450b. And i want to install mac with your help.

I make USBBootable drive according to your instruction but i filed the startup when boot through USB drive after that Green apple screen come and stuck and the circle is spanning.
For your kind Information i use PCIRootUID=0 in the boot and also PCIRootUID=0 and GraphicsEnabler=No -x but problem is same.

To conversation with you in the youtube you told me to boot using -v and send that to you. I snap a picture and attach with this mail.

Please help me if you can out me from this stuck point.


Date d'inscription : 20/08/2013

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Mountain Lion 10.8 Installation Problem On HP ProBook 6450b Empty Re: Mountain Lion 10.8 Installation Problem On HP ProBook 6450b

Message par chris1111 Mar 20 Aoû - 12:00

no picture here  Crying or Very sad  Razz  the uplloader forum is on french SO   for posting the picture, use this uploader http://www.fichier-zip.com

anywhay I am pretty mutch certain at 100% if you using my installer boot usb os x mountain lion 10.8.4
you have no problem to booting and install with this Very Happy  just follow the video here  and the step its very easy,  
1-open Installesd.dmg .
2- formate the usb drive .
3- ran the installer on the usb and dont forget to choose laptop support .

20 min patience and VOILA !! cheers tu  

follow this video  

the installer is here

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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