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DP7 Disponible Capt1051
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DP7 Disponible

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DP7 Disponible Empty DP7 Disponible

Message par cabanon09 Mer 4 Sep - 14:16

Au grand désarroi de Chris, ce n'est n'est pas encore la GM mais la DP7 qui est diponible... Rolling Eyes
Installée sans aucune intervention de ma part.
Chris pour avoir de nouveau la batterie dans la barre en haut c'est lui qu'il me faut ?:

DP7 Disponible Smoke

Date d'inscription : 04/06/2013
Age : 62
Localisation : Ariège France

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DP7 Disponible Empty Re: DP7 Disponible

Message par cabanon09 Mer 4 Sep - 15:23

Je me réponds à moi même pour la batterie.
Malgré l'installation du kext toujours pas de batterie en haut.
Dans économiseur d'énergie, afficher l'état de la batterie se décoche tout
seul au bout de 2 secondes, et charge actuelle de la batterie indique : 0%

DP7 Disponible Smoke

Date d'inscription : 04/06/2013
Age : 62
Localisation : Ariège France

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DP7 Disponible Empty Re: DP7 Disponible

Message par chris1111 Mer 4 Sep - 15:52

fait toi un script istaller avec ca , tu remplace le contenue d'un exe par celui ci et et tu nas qua demarer ton installer et reboot , ceci patch ton dsdt pour Mavericks  Very Happy 

#Maintained by: RehabMan for: HP Probook 4x30s/4x40s
# 06_Battery.txt

# Add cycle count and temperature to battery info method

# 16-bit version
into method label BTIF code_regex Store\s\(BDAT,\sLocal1\) replace_matched
Store (BDAT, Local1)\n
// battery cycle count\n
Store (BCC, Index (DerefOf (Index (NBTI, Arg0)), 0x0D))\n
// battery temperature\n
Store (\\_TZ.GTTP (0x04, 0x05, Zero, Zero, 0x7F), Local2)\n
Add (Multiply (Local2, 10), 2732, Local2) // Celsius to .1K\n
Store (Local2, Index (DerefOf (Index (NBTI, Arg0)), 0x0E))\n

# Need to extend size of NBTI packages
into all code_regex \"Hewlett\-Packard\"\s+\},\s+Package\s\(0x0D\) replaceall_matched

into all code_regex Name\s\(NBTI,\sPackage\s\(0x02\)\s+\{\s+Package\s\(0x0D\) replaceall_matched
Name (NBTI, Package(0x02)\n

into_all all code_regex \"LIon\",\s+\"Hewlett\-Packard\"\n\s+\}\n replaceall_matched

# Convert battery EC info from 16-bit to 8-bit fields...

# Need this utility method B1B2(lowbyte, hibyte)... returns ((hibyte << Cool| lowbyte)
into method label B1B2 remove_entry;
into definitionblock code_regex . insert
Method (B1B2, 2, NotSerialized)\n
ShiftLeft (Arg1, 8, Local0)\n
Or (Arg0, Local0, Local0)\n
Return (Local0)\n

# Change EC register declarations from 16-bit to 8-bit
into device label EC0 code_regex BSN,\s+16 replace_matched begin BSN0, 8, BSN1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex CBT,\s+16 replace_matched begin CBT0, 8, CBT1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BDC,\s+16 replace_matched begin BDC0, 8, BDC1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BFC,\s+16 replace_matched begin BFC0, 8, BFC1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BPR,\s+16 replace_matched begin BPR0, 8, BPR1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCR,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCR0, 8, BCR1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BRC,\s+16 replace_matched begin BRC0, 8, BRC1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCC,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCC0, 8, BCC1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BPV,\s+16 replace_matched begin BPV0, 8, BPV1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BME,\s+16 replace_matched begin BME0, 8, BME1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BDV,\s+16 replace_matched begin BDV0, 8, BDV1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BRTE,\s+16 replace_matched begin RTE0, 8, RTE1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BATE,\s+16 replace_matched begin ATE0, 8, ATE1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCV1,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCX0, 8, BCX1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCV2,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCA0, 8, BCA1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCV3,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCB0, 8, BCB1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCV4,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCP0, 8, BCP1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BATF,\s+16 replace_matched begin ATF0, 8, ATF1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex MAXC,\s+16 replace_matched begin AXC0, 8, AXC1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BSTS,\s+16 replace_matched begin BST0, 8, BST1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BDAT,\s+16 replace_matched begin BDA0, 8, BDA1, 8 end;

# Change access (reads) to those registers from 16-bit to 8-bit
into_all method label BTIF code_regex \(BFC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BFC0, BFC1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BFC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BFC0, BFC1), end;
into_all method label BTIF code_regex \(BDV, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BDV0, BDV1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BDV, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BDV0, BDV1), end;
into_all method label BTIF code_regex \(BSN, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BSN0, BSN1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BSN, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BSN0, BSN1), end;
into_all method label BTST code_regex \(BPR, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BPR0, BPR1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BPR, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BPR0, BPR1), end;
into_all method label BTST code_regex \(BRC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BRC0, BRC1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BRC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BRC0, BRC1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCR, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCR0, BCR1), end;
into_all method label BTST code_regex \(BPV, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BPV0, BPV1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BPV, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BPV0, BPV1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BDC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BDC0, BDC1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BME, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BME0, BME1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCC0, BCC1), end;
into_all method label BTIF code_regex \(BCC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCC0, BCC1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(CBT, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (CBT0, CBT1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BSTS, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BST0, BST1), end;
into_all method label BTIF code_regex \(BDAT, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BDA0, BDA1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BDAT, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BDA0, BDA1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCV1, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCX0, BCX1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCV2, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCA0, BCA1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCV3, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCB0, BCB1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCV4, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCP0, BCP1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BRTE, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (RTE0, RTE1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BATE, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (ATE0, ATE1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BATF, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (ATF0, ATF1), end;
into_all method label GBTC code_regex \(MAXC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (AXC0, AXC1), end;

# Now deal with the writes to those registers
# Store (0xFA, MAXC)
into_all method label SBTC code_regex \(0xFA,\sMAXC\) replaceall_matched begin (0xFA, AXC0)\nStore (Zero, AXC1) end;
# Store (Zero, MAXC)
into_all method label SBTC code_regex \(Zero,\sMAXC\) replaceall_matched begin (Zero, AXC0)\nStore (Zero, AXC1) end;
# Store (0x00, MAXC)
into_all method label SBTC code_regex \(0x00,\sMAXC\) replaceall_matched begin (0x00, AXC0)\nStore (0x00, AXC1) end;

# Store (GBSS (B1B2 (BSN0, BSN1), BDAT, BTSN)
into_all method label GBTI code_regex Store\s\(GBSS\s\(B1B2\s\(BSN0,\sBSN1\),\sBDAT\),\sBTSN\) replaceall_matched
Store (GBSS (B1B2 (BSN0, BSN1), B1B2 (BDA0, BDA1)), BTSN)\n

# Disable BAT1 device
into method label _STA parent_label BAT1 replace_content begin Return (Zero) end;

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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DP7 Disponible Empty Re: DP7 Disponible

Message par cabanon09 Mer 4 Sep - 16:08

Je crois que je ferai ça demain Shocked
Là je suis sous win, je regarde le rugby en même temps et il se fait tard
Very Happy 
Merci en tout cas

DP7 Disponible Smoke

Date d'inscription : 04/06/2013
Age : 62
Localisation : Ariège France

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DP7 Disponible Empty Re: DP7 Disponible

Message par chris1111 Mer 4 Sep - 16:12

ce sont des patch dsdt que rehabman a poster sur insnelymac pour le 4530s dans maveriks cheers

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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DP7 Disponible Empty Re: DP7 Disponible

Message par chris1111 Mer 4 Sep - 17:34

Ton fichier doit toujours  avoir ca ici en haut Laughing  Razz 

et en bas ceci a la fin
allor le script que je tai envoyer dois etre comme ceci

#Maintained by: RehabMan for: HP Probook 4x30s/4x40s
# 06_Battery.txt

# Add cycle count and temperature to battery info method

# 16-bit version
into method label BTIF code_regex Store\s\(BDAT,\sLocal1\) replace_matched
Store (BDAT, Local1)\n
// battery cycle count\n
Store (BCC, Index (DerefOf (Index (NBTI, Arg0)), 0x0D))\n
// battery temperature\n
Store (\\_TZ.GTTP (0x04, 0x05, Zero, Zero, 0x7F), Local2)\n
Add (Multiply (Local2, 10), 2732, Local2) // Celsius to .1K\n
Store (Local2, Index (DerefOf (Index (NBTI, Arg0)), 0x0E))\n

# Need to extend size of NBTI packages
into all code_regex \"Hewlett\-Packard\"\s+\},\s+Package\s\(0x0D\) replaceall_matched

into all code_regex Name\s\(NBTI,\sPackage\s\(0x02\)\s+\{\s+Package\s\(0x0D\) replaceall_matched
Name (NBTI, Package(0x02)\n

into_all all code_regex \"LIon\",\s+\"Hewlett\-Packard\"\n\s+\}\n replaceall_matched

# Convert battery EC info from 16-bit to 8-bit fields...

# Need this utility method B1B2(lowbyte, hibyte)... returns ((hibyte << | lowbyte)
into method label B1B2 remove_entry;
into definitionblock code_regex . insert
Method (B1B2, 2, NotSerialized)\n
ShiftLeft (Arg1, 8, Local0)\n
Or (Arg0, Local0, Local0)\n
Return (Local0)\n

# Change EC register declarations from 16-bit to 8-bit
into device label EC0 code_regex BSN,\s+16 replace_matched begin BSN0, 8, BSN1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex CBT,\s+16 replace_matched begin CBT0, 8, CBT1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BDC,\s+16 replace_matched begin BDC0, 8, BDC1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BFC,\s+16 replace_matched begin BFC0, 8, BFC1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BPR,\s+16 replace_matched begin BPR0, 8, BPR1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCR,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCR0, 8, BCR1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BRC,\s+16 replace_matched begin BRC0, 8, BRC1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCC,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCC0, 8, BCC1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BPV,\s+16 replace_matched begin BPV0, 8, BPV1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BME,\s+16 replace_matched begin BME0, 8, BME1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BDV,\s+16 replace_matched begin BDV0, 8, BDV1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BRTE,\s+16 replace_matched begin RTE0, 8, RTE1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BATE,\s+16 replace_matched begin ATE0, 8, ATE1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCV1,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCX0, 8, BCX1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCV2,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCA0, 8, BCA1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCV3,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCB0, 8, BCB1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BCV4,\s+16 replace_matched begin BCP0, 8, BCP1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BATF,\s+16 replace_matched begin ATF0, 8, ATF1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex MAXC,\s+16 replace_matched begin AXC0, 8, AXC1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BSTS,\s+16 replace_matched begin BST0, 8, BST1, 8 end;
into device label EC0 code_regex BDAT,\s+16 replace_matched begin BDA0, 8, BDA1, 8 end;

# Change access (reads) to those registers from 16-bit to 8-bit
into_all method label BTIF code_regex \(BFC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BFC0, BFC1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BFC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BFC0, BFC1), end;
into_all method label BTIF code_regex \(BDV, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BDV0, BDV1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BDV, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BDV0, BDV1), end;
into_all method label BTIF code_regex \(BSN, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BSN0, BSN1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BSN, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BSN0, BSN1), end;
into_all method label BTST code_regex \(BPR, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BPR0, BPR1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BPR, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BPR0, BPR1), end;
into_all method label BTST code_regex \(BRC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BRC0, BRC1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BRC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BRC0, BRC1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCR, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCR0, BCR1), end;
into_all method label BTST code_regex \(BPV, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BPV0, BPV1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BPV, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BPV0, BPV1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BDC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BDC0, BDC1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BME, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BME0, BME1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCC0, BCC1), end;
into_all method label BTIF code_regex \(BCC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCC0, BCC1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(CBT, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (CBT0, CBT1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BSTS, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BST0, BST1), end;
into_all method label BTIF code_regex \(BDAT, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BDA0, BDA1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BDAT, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BDA0, BDA1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCV1, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCX0, BCX1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCV2, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCA0, BCA1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCV3, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCB0, BCB1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BCV4, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (BCP0, BCP1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BRTE, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (RTE0, RTE1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BATE, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (ATE0, ATE1), end;
into_all method label GBTI code_regex \(BATF, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (ATF0, ATF1), end;
into_all method label GBTC code_regex \(MAXC, replaceall_matched begin (B1B2 (AXC0, AXC1), end;

# Now deal with the writes to those registers
# Store (0xFA, MAXC)
into_all method label SBTC code_regex \(0xFA,\sMAXC\) replaceall_matched begin (0xFA, AXC0)\nStore (Zero, AXC1) end;
# Store (Zero, MAXC)
into_all method label SBTC code_regex \(Zero,\sMAXC\) replaceall_matched begin (Zero, AXC0)\nStore (Zero, AXC1) end;
# Store (0x00, MAXC)
into_all method label SBTC code_regex \(0x00,\sMAXC\) replaceall_matched begin (0x00, AXC0)\nStore (0x00, AXC1) end;

# Store (GBSS (B1B2 (BSN0, BSN1), BDAT, BTSN)
into_all method label GBTI code_regex Store\s\(GBSS\s\(B1B2\s\(BSN0,\sBSN1\),\sBDAT\),\sBTSN\) replaceall_matched
Store (GBSS (B1B2 (BSN0, BSN1), B1B2 (BDA0, BDA1)), BTSN)\n

# Disable BAT1 device
into method label _STA parent_label BAT1 replace_content begin Return (Zero) end;

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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DP7 Disponible Empty Re: DP7 Disponible

Message par cabanon09 Jeu 5 Sep - 11:17

Je crois qu'il y a un petit problème de syntaxe :
DP7 Disponible <a href=DP7 Disponible Batter10" />DP7 Disponible <a href=" />

Ne faudrait-il pas entrer le code source dans une fenêtre spéciale ?
Et pas directement  sur la page, car je pense qu'il est modifié par l'affichage php/html, ce qui
rend le copier-coller inopérant...

DP7 Disponible Smoke

Date d'inscription : 04/06/2013
Age : 62
Localisation : Ariège France

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DP7 Disponible Empty Résolu pour le kext

Message par cabanon09 Jeu 5 Sep - 13:32

C'est bon, ça fonctionne car rehabman a aussi posté directement le kext Very Happy 
J'ai donc fait avec ce dernier, vu que le script n'arrivait pas à s'enregistrer .
Merci cheers

DP7 Disponible Smoke

Date d'inscription : 04/06/2013
Age : 62
Localisation : Ariège France

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DP7 Disponible Empty Re: DP7 Disponible

Message par chris1111 Jeu 5 Sep - 14:02

cabanon09 a écrit:Je crois qu'il y a un petit problème de syntaxe :
DP7 Disponible <a href=DP7 Disponible Batter10" />DP7 Disponible <a href=" />

Ne faudrait-il pas entrer le code source dans une fenêtre spéciale ?
Et pas directement  sur la page, car je pense qu'il est modifié par l'affichage php/html, ce qui
rend le copier-coller inopérant...

c'est pas du tout ce que je tai parler, je tai parler de te creer un instaler pour patcher ton dsdt avec ce script car c'est ce que ce script fait  Razz 

tu a mis ca dans editeur de apple script LOL  sa marche pas Smile

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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DP7 Disponible Empty Re: DP7 Disponible

Message par cabanon09 Jeu 5 Sep - 14:39

Quand j'ai lu " un applescript installer " j'ai cru qu'il fallait le faire avec ça..
J'ai retenu que le début...  et pas lu la fin  "démarrer ton installeur"...
Cela veut dire qu'il faut que je maitrise l'outil pour faire mon installer Very Happy 
Je m'y colles ce week-end pour apprendre à l'utiliser.Cool
Pour me faire pardonner , un petit cadeau bonus:

DP7 Disponible Smoke

Date d'inscription : 04/06/2013
Age : 62
Localisation : Ariège France

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DP7 Disponible Empty Re: DP7 Disponible

Message par chris1111 Jeu 5 Sep - 14:49

ok merci interessant ce pdf, je vais lire ca Smile 
En ce qui concerne les installer, cest certain qu'il te faut une certaine maitrise de L,application Very Happy  Razz 

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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DP7 Disponible Empty Re: DP7 Disponible

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