Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Capt1051
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Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Capt1051
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Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

2 participants

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Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Empty Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

Message par ScreenZ Dim 27 Mar - 3:07

Salut a tous & Joyeuse Pâques allien !!

J ai un soucis qui et depuis toujour mais que je n ai pas pris le temp de regler .. ( manque de temp )
Par moment j ai une perte de connexion .. c a dire ??

Je suis sur le net et plus de net.. alors que mon reseau wifi et encore la .. donc je desactive le wifi et reactive et la tout redevient OK une idée ?
sachant que la carte et reconnu en native .. je suis sous el capitan

J attend vos retour, merci

ps : attention au chocolat dansse
Super usr
Super usr

Date d'inscription : 06/01/2013
Localisation : Metz 

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Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Empty Re: Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

Message par chris1111 Dim 27 Mar - 6:54

J'ai eu la meme chose et jai constater un ralentissement de connections depuis El Capitan
10.11.2 et meme la dernière Maj de Yosemite

jai appliquer ce patch qui semble avoir un effet


            <string>Atheros Locale Fix</string>

Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Jj10

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Empty Re: Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

Message par ScreenZ Dim 27 Mar - 9:19

Ok, merci je vient de l ajouter on va voir Smile
Super usr
Super usr

Date d'inscription : 06/01/2013
Localisation : Metz 

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Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Empty Re: Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

Message par chris1111 Dim 27 Mar - 9:38


sudo /usr/local/bin/bdmesg -p > ~/Documents/bdmesg.txt

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Empty Re: Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

Message par ScreenZ Dim 27 Mar - 10:12

0:100  0:100  MemLog inited, TSC freq: 2993207459
0:100  0:000  
0:100  0:000  Now is 27.3.2016,  14:7:59 (GMT+2047)
0:100  0:000  Starting Clover rev 3330 on American Megatrends EFI
0:100  0:000  SelfDevicePath=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,57B94C6A-55FE-4414-8A1B-897C7DF325A6,0x28,0x64000) @D3DEC118
0:100  0:000  SelfDirPath = \EFI\BOOT
0:100  0:000  Total Memory Slots Count = 4
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 0
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 2048MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 0 ChannelA-DIMM0
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 1
0:100  0:000  Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 0MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 0MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 1 ChannelA-DIMM1
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 2
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 2048MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 2 ChannelB-DIMM0
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 3
0:100  0:000  Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 0MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 0MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 3 ChannelB-DIMM1
0:100  0:000  Boot status=0
0:100  0:000  Clover revision: 3330  running on MS-7788
0:100  0:000  ... with board H61M-P20 (G3) (MS-7788)
0:100  0:000  CPU Vendor = 756E6547 Model=206A7
0:100  0:000  The CPU not supported turbo
0:100  0:000  BrandString = Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G860 @ 3.00GHz
0:100  0:000  MSR 0xE2 before patch 1E008401
0:100  0:000  MSR 0xE2 is locked, PM patches will be turned on
0:100  0:000  MSR 0xE4              00010414
0:100  0:000  MSR 0xCE              00001000_60011E00
0:100  0:000  non-usable FLEX_RATIO = 10000
0:100  0:000  corrected FLEX_RATIO = 0
0:100  0:000  MSR 0x1B0             00000000
0:100  0:000  FSBFrequency=100MHz DMIvalue=100000kHz
0:100  0:000  Corrected FSBFrequency=100MHz
0:100  0:000  Vendor/Model/Stepping: 0x756E6547/0x2A/0x7
0:100  0:000  Family/ExtFamily: 0x6/0x0
0:100  0:000  MaxDiv/MinDiv: 30.0/16
0:100  0:000  Turbo: 30/30/30/30
0:100  0:000  Features: 0xBFEBFBFF
0:100  0:000  Threads: 2
0:100  0:000  Cores: 2
0:100  0:000  FSB: 100 MHz
0:100  0:000  CPU: 3000 MHz
0:100  0:000  TSC: 3000 MHz
0:100  0:000  PIS: 400 MHz
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:00.00) : 8086 0100 class=060000
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:01.00) : 8086 0101 class=060400
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|01:00.00) : 10DE 104A class=030000
0:100  0:000  Found NVidia model=Gigabyte GeForce GT 610
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|01:00.01) : 10DE 0E08 class=040300
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:16.00) : 8086 1C3A class=078000
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:16.01) : FFFF FFFF class=FFFFFF
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1A.00) : 8086 1C2D class=0C0320
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1B.00) : 8086 1C20 class=040300
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1C.00) : 8086 1C10 class=060400
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|02:00.00) : 168C 0030 class=028000
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1C.04) : 8086 1C18 class=060400
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|03:00.00) : 10EC 8136 class=020000
0:100  0:000  LAN 0, Vendor=10EC, MMIO=D000
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1D.00) : 8086 1C26 class=0C0320
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.00) : 8086 1C5C class=060100
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.02) : 8086 1C02 class=010601
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.03) : 8086 1C22 class=0C0500
0:100  0:000  Clover load options size = 0 bytes
0:147  0:047  Using OEM config.plist at path: EFI\CLOVER\config.plist
0:148  0:000  EFI\CLOVER\config.plist loaded: Success
0:162  0:014  Found theme directory: Space
0:169  0:007  Found theme directory: Metro
0:179  0:010  Found theme directory: EMBEDDED
0:184  0:004  Found theme directory: NEWYEAR
0:187  0:002  Found theme directory: RANDOM
0:188  0:001  Loading early settings
0:188  0:000  timeout set to 8
0:188  0:000  Custom boot CUSTOM_BOOT_DISABLED (0x0)
0:188  0:000  KextsToPatch: 2 requested
0:188  0:000  KextsToPatch 0: AppleAHCIPort (External icons patch) Kext bin patch, data len: 8
0:188  0:000  KextsToPatch 1: AirPortAtheros40 (Atheros Locale Fix) Kext bin patch, data len: 3
0:188  0:000  Default theme: Metro
0:188  0:000  Hiding entries with string BOOTX64.EFI
0:188  0:000  Hiding entries with string Windows
0:188  0:000  LoadDrivers() start
0:195  0:006  Loading CsmVideoDxe-64.efi  status=Success
0:196  0:000   - driver needs connecting
0:196  0:000  Loading DataHubDxe-64.efi  status=Success
0:212  0:016  Loading FSInject-64.efi  status=Success
0:219  0:006  Loading OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi  status=Success
0:228  0:009  Loading OsxFatBinaryDrv-64.efi  status=Success
0:229  0:000  Loading VBoxHfs-64.efi  status=Success
0:230  0:000   - driver needs connecting
0:230  0:000  2 drivers needs connecting ...
0:230  0:000  PlatformDriverOverrideProtocol not found. Installing ... Success
0:230  0:000  Video driver loaded: disconnect Success
0:314  0:083  Searching for invalid DiskIo BY_DRIVER connects: not found, all ok
0:326  0:012  CsmVideoDriverBindingStart
0:326  0:000  mixed support=40010
0:326  0:000  Controller is [030000]
0:326  0:000  Check for VBE
0:393  0:066   found Detail Timing 1920x1080
0:404  0:010    0 640x480 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, 640x480, working, highest, pref=0
0:406  0:001    1 800x600 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, 800x600, working, highest, pref=1
0:407  0:001    2 1024x768 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, 1024x768, working, highest, pref=2
0:409  0:001    3 1280x1024 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, working, highest, pref=3
0:420  0:010    4 1920x1080 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, working, highest, pref=4
0:422  0:001    5 1280x800 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, working
0:422  0:000  CsmVideo: New mode: 4 1920x1080 - set
1:247  0:825   - SetMode pref 4 (4) = Success
1:247  0:000  CsmVideoCheckForVbe - Success
1:247  0:000  CsmVideoDriverBindingStart end Success
1:247  0:000  CsmVideo: New mode: 2 1024x768 - blocking that switch
1:248  0:000  CsmVideo: New mode: 1 800x600 - blocking that switch
1:248  0:000  CsmVideo: New mode: 1 800x600 - blocking that switch
1:935  0:687  LoadDrivers() end
1:935  0:000  Dump SMC keys from NVRAM:
1:944  0:008  Console modes reported: 3, available modes:
1:944  0:000    Mode 1: 80x25
1:944  0:000    Mode 2: 80x50
1:944  0:000    Mode 3: 100x31 (current mode)
1:944  0:000  reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,57B94C6A-55FE-4414-8A1B-897C7DF325A6,0x28,0x64000)
1:945  0:000  MAC address of LAN #0= xxxxxxxx
1:945  0:000  ScanSPD() start
1:945  0:000  SMBus CmdReg: 0x3
1:945  0:000  Scanning SMBus [8086:1C22], mmio: 0xF7204004, ioport: 0xF000, hostc: 0x1
1:945  0:000  Slots to scan [8]...
1:959  0:014  SPD[0]: Type 11 @0x50
1:968  0:008  DDR speed 1333MHz
1:968  0:000  Slot: 0 Type 24 2048MB 1333MHz Vendor=Crucial Technology PartNoxxxxxx SerialNo=xxxxxx
1:988  0:020  SPD[2]: Type 11 @0x52
1:997  0:008  DDR speed 1333MHz
1:997  0:000  Slot: 2 Type 24 2048MB 1333MHz Vendor=Crucial Technology PartNo=xxxxxxxxxxx SerialNo=xxxxxx
2:027  0:030  ScanSPD() end
2:027  0:000  Get Acpi Tables List from RSDT:
2:027  0:000   Found table: FACP  A M I len=132
2:027  0:000   Found table: APIC  A M I len=98
2:027  0:000   Found table: FPDT  A M I len=68
2:027  0:000   Found table: MCFG  A M I len=60
2:027  0:000   Found table: SSDT  AoacTabl len=1994
2:027  0:000   Found table: HPET  A M I len=56
2:027  0:000   Found table: SSDT  SataTabl len=877
2:027  0:000   Found table: SSDT  Cpu0Ist len=2408
2:027  0:000   Found table: SSDT  CpuPm len=2706
2:027  0:000  Calibrated TSC frequency =2993207459 =2993MHz
2:027  0:000  Loading main settings
2:027  0:000  USB FixOwnership: true
2:027  0:000  Dropping 3 tables
2:027  0:000  Drop table 0 signature="SSDT" (54445353) table-id="CpuPm" (0000006D50757043)
2:027  0:000  set table: 54445353,       6D50757043 to drop:  true
2:027  0:000  
2:027  0:000  Drop table 1 signature="SSDT" (54445353) table-id="Cpu0Ist" (0074734930757043)
2:027  0:000  set table: 54445353,   74734930757043 to drop:  true
2:027  0:000  
2:027  0:000  Drop table 2 signature="DMAR" (52414D44)
2:027  0:000  set table: 52414D44,                0 to drop:
2:027  0:000  Config set Fixes will override FixMask mask!
2:027  0:000     final mask=9FCAE955
2:027  0:000  Config set EnableC6: +
2:027  0:000  Config set ChassisType=0x8
2:028  0:000  found 15 volumes with blockIO
2:028  0:000   0. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)\USB(0x1,0x0)\USB(0x3,0x0)
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000   1. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)\USB(0x1,0x0)\USB(0x3,0x0)\Scsi(0x0,0x1)
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000   2. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)\USB(0x1,0x0)\USB(0x3,0x0)\Scsi(0x0,0x2)
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000   3. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)\USB(0x1,0x0)\USB(0x3,0x0)\Scsi(0x0,0x3)
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000   4. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
2:028  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
2:028  0:000   5. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
2:057  0:028   6. Volume:
2:057  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0xFFFF,0x0)
2:058  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
2:058  0:000   7. Volume:
2:058  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)
2:058  0:000    found optical drive
2:058  0:000   8. Volume:
2:058  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x90D5D68F,0x3F,0x3A384C02)
2:059  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
2:066  0:007   9. Volume:
2:066  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,57B94C6A-55FE-4414-8A1B-897C7DF325A6,0x28,0x64000)
2:067  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
2:087  0:020    This is SelfVolume !!
2:087  0:000  10. Volume:
2:087  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,4F222092-45F1-4720-8554-5CE3B9E38E8F,0x64028,0x251391B8)
2:088  0:000  11. Volume:
2:088  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,4590CADC-519D-4C06-B149-2AB74FB12273,0x2519D1E0,0x135F20)
2:121  0:032  12. Volume:
2:121  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,91EB9AEE-13E5-41C3-8309-39FD3A129E48,0x252D3100,0x15B988)
2:122  0:000  13. Volume:
2:122  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x5759645A,0x800,0x32000)
2:122  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
2:143  0:020  14. Volume:
2:143  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,MBR,0x5759645A,0x32800,0x1D192800)
2:143  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
2:179  0:036  Using theme 'Metro' (EFI\CLOVER\themes\Metro)
2:179  0:000  theme Metro defined in NVRAM found and theme.plist parsed
2:179  0:000  OS main and drive as badge
2:196  0:016  Choosing theme Metro
2:196  0:000  Custom entries start
2:196  0:000  Custom entries finish
2:196  0:000  Scanning loaders...
2:196  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   5: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   6: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   7: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   8: 'Backup 500 GO'
2:221  0:024   9: 'EFI'
2:229  0:008  10: 'El Capitan'
2:277  0:047      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=El Capitan
2:300  0:023      Check if volume Is Hibernated:
2:300  0:000      Check sleep image 'by signature':
2:355  0:054      read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
2:355  0:000      SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'El Capitan', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
2:389  0:033      Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
2:398  0:009   OurBlockIoRead: Lba=2468168, Offset=48D02D000 (BlockSize=512)
2:398  0:000   sig lion: 73696D65
2:398  0:000   sig snow: 0
2:398  0:000   got sleep image offset
2:398  0:000      Reading completed -> Success
2:398  0:000       sleepimage offset acquired successfully: 48D02D000
2:398  0:000       gSleepTime: 1450858439
2:411  0:012       HFS+ volume modifyDate: 1459087661
2:411  0:000       image older then volume: 8229222 sec
2:411  0:000       image too old
2:411  0:000       hibernated: no - time
2:452  0:041  11: 'Recovery HD'
2:492  0:039      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
2:511  0:018  12: 'Sans titre'
2:525  0:014  13: 'RÈservÈ au systËme'
2:534  0:008  14: ''
2:542  0:008  Custom legacy start
2:542  0:000  Custom legacy end
2:542  0:000  Scanning legacy ...
2:542  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   5: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   6: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   7: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   8: 'Backup 500 GO' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   9: 'EFI' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000  10: 'El Capitan' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000  11: 'Recovery HD' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000  12: 'Sans titre' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000  13: 'RÈservÈ au systËme' (vista,win) add legacy
2:575  0:033   added 'Boot Windows from RÈservÈ au systËme' OSType=2 Icon=vista,win
2:575  0:000  14: '' (vista,win) add legacy
2:576  0:000   added 'Boot Windows from ' OSType=2 Icon=vista,win
2:576  0:000  Custom tool start
2:576  0:000  Custom tool end
2:586  0:010  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
2:586  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 9 for Clover
2:587  0:000   Found Clover
2:599  0:012  GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram: efi-boot-device-data not found
2:599  0:000  EfiBootVolume not found
2:599  0:000  Default boot entry not found
2:599  0:000  DefaultIndex=-1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=10
2:964  0:365  Found Mouse device:
2:965  0:000  GUI ready
203:976  201:010  BootOption of the entry is empty
203:976  0:000  StartLoader() start
203:976  0:000  Entry->Settings: <null string>
203:976  0:000  Finally: Bus=99773kHz CPU=2993MHz
203:976  0:000  Kernel and Kext Patches at D083A270:
203:976  0:000   Allowed: y
203:976  0:000   Debug: n
203:976  0:000   KernelCpu: n
203:976  0:000   Lapic: n
203:976  0:000   Haswell-E: n
203:976  0:000   AICPUPM: y
203:976  0:000   AppleRTC: y
203:976  0:000   KernelPm: y
203:976  0:000   FakeCPUID: 0x0
203:976  0:000   ATIController: null
203:976  0:000   ATIDataLength: 0
203:976  0:000   0 Kexts to load
203:976  0:000   2 Kexts to patch
203:976  0:000    KextPatch[0]: 8 bytes, AppleAHCIPort
203:976  0:000    KextPatch[1]: 3 bytes, AirPortAtheros40
203:976  0:000  Loading boot.efi  status=Success
204:200  0:223  GetOSVersion: : 10.11.4
204:200  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
204:200  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:1
204:200  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
204:200  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
204:201  0:000  Channels: 2
204:201  0:000  Interleave: 0 2 1 3 4 6 5 7 8 10 9 11 12 14 13 15 16 18 17 19 20 22 21 23
204:201  0:000  SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 0 => 0 0:
204:201  0:000  BANK0 DIMM0 1333MHz 2048MB
204:201  0:000  mTotalSystemMemory = 2048
204:201  0:000  SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 1 => 2 2:
204:201  0:000  BANK1 DIMM0 1333MHz 2048MB
204:201  0:000  mTotalSystemMemory = 4096
204:201  0:000  NumberOfMemoryDevices = 2
204:201  0:000  Type20[0]->End = 0x1FFFFF, Type17[0] = 0x800
204:201  0:000  Type20[1]->End = 0x3FFFFF, Type17[1] = 0x1800
204:201  0:000  Table 131 is present, CPUType=31
204:201  0:000  Change to: 603
204:201  0:000  RSDT 0xDEBC4028
204:201  0:000  FADT from RSDT: 0xDEBC40F0
204:201  0:000  XSDT 0xDEBC4078
204:201  0:000  FADT from XSDT: 0xDEBCDD88
204:201  0:000  Xsdt reallocation done
204:201  0:000  old FADT length=10C
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(GNVS, SystemMemory, DEBD0E18, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(MCHT, SystemMemory, FED10000, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(RCRB, SystemMemory, FED1C000, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(CPSB, SystemMemory, DEABEE18, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(TMMB, SystemMemory, FED40000, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(TVID, SystemMemory, FED40F00, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(TPMR, SystemMemory, FED40000, ...)
204:220  0:018  Apply DsdtFixMask=0x9FCAE955 new way
204:220  0:000     drop _DSM mask=0x0000
204:220  0:000  ========= Auto patch DSDT Starting ========
204:220  0:000  VideoCard devID=0x104A10DE
204:220  0:000  DisplayADR1[0] = 0x10000, DisplayADR2[0] = 0x0
204:220  0:000  USBADR[0] = 0x1A0000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
204:346  0:126  Found Airport Atheros at 0x1C0000, 0x0, DeviceID=0x0030
204:346  0:000  USBADR[1] = 0x1D0000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
204:347  0:000  first CPU found at 70A6 offset 70A9
204:347  0:000  score candidate at 70A2
204:347  0:000  score inserted in acpi_cpu_score _PR_
204:347  0:000  Found ACPI CPU: CPU0 And CPU1 And CPU2 And CPU3 And CPU4 And CPU5 And CPU6 And CPU7
 within the score: _PR_
204:347  0:000  Found PCIROOTUID = 0
204:347  0:000  Start RTC Fix
204:347  0:000  found RTC Length not match, Maybe will case CMOS reset will patch it.
204:347  0:000  found RTC had IRQNoFlag will move -3 bytes
204:347  0:000  ...len=9C4A
204:347  0:000  new size written to 2349 shift=0 len=9C4A
204:347  0:000  len after correct outers 9C4A
204:347  0:000  Start PIC Fix
204:347  0:000  PIC size=A5 at 21ED
204:347  0:000  found CRS at 2201 size 8D
204:347  0:000  found PIC had IRQNoFlag will move -3 bytes
204:347  0:000  Fix Device PIC size -3
204:347  0:000  Start HPET Fix
204:347  0:000  Start Display0 Fix
204:347  0:000  Found internal video device FFFF@3B59, unusable
204:347  0:000  Creating DSM for NVIDIA card
204:348  0:000  patch Display #0 of Vendor=0x10DE in DSDT new way
204:348  0:000  Start NetWork Fix
204:348  0:000  found NetWork device [0x001C0004:0] at 37D6 and Name is PXSX
204:348  0:000  NetworkADR1=1C0004 NetworkADR2=0
204:348  0:000  network DSM created, size=7C
204:348  0:000  Start Airport Fix
204:348  0:000  found Airport device [001C0000:0] at 33DA And Name is PXSX
204:348  0:000  Name PXSX present at 0xA2, renaming to ARPT
204:348  0:000  Name PXSX present at 0xE0, renaming to ARPT
204:348  0:000  AirportADR=33DA add patch size=F1
204:348  0:000  adr 33DA size of arpt=17
204:348  0:000  patch HDEF in DSDT
204:348  0:000  Start HDA Fix
204:349  0:000  found HDA device NAME(_ADR,0x001B0000) And Name is HDEF
204:349  0:000  NewName HDEF already present, renaming impossibble
204:349  0:000  Start Add IMEI
204:349  0:000  Start HDMI128 Fix
204:349  0:000  have no HDMI device while HDMIADR2=1
204:349  0:000  HDMIADR1=10000 HDMIADR2=1
204:349  0:000    with default properties
204:349  0:000   deleting device CRT_
204:350  0:000   deleting device DVI_
204:350  0:000   deleting device SPKR
204:350  0:000   deleting device ECP_
204:350  0:000   deleting device LPT_
204:350  0:000   deleting device FDC0
204:351  0:000   deleting device ECP1
204:351  0:000   deleting device LPT1
204:351  0:000  Start PNLF Fix
204:351  0:000  found PWRB at 3EDB
204:352  0:000  Start _S3D Fix
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (GNVS...) corrected to addr=0xDEBD0E18
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (MCHT...) corrected to addr=0xFED10000
204:352  0:000    indirect name=SRCB
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (RCRB...) corrected to addr=0xFED1C000
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (CPSB...) corrected to addr=0xDEABEE18
204:352  0:000    indirect name=ASLB
204:352  0:000  ... value not defined
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (IGDM...) corrected to addr=0x0
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (TMMB...) corrected to addr=0xFED40000
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (TVID...) corrected to addr=0xFED40F00
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (TPMR...) corrected to addr=0xFED40000
204:352  0:000  Start ADP1 fix
204:352  0:000  no device(AC) exists
204:352  0:000  Start SHUTDOWN Fix len=9E3E
204:352  0:000  ========= Auto patch DSDT Finished ========
204:352  0:000  Drop tables from Xsdt, SIGN=SSDT TableID=CpuPm Length=2706
204:352  0:000   Xsdt has tables count=9
204:352  0:000   Table: SSDT  CpuPm  2706 dropped
204:352  0:000  corrected XSDT length=100
204:352  0:000  Drop tables from Xsdt, SIGN=SSDT TableID=Cpu0Ist Length=2408
204:352  0:000   Xsdt has tables count=8
204:352  0:000   Table: SSDT  Cpu0Ist  2408 dropped
204:352  0:000  corrected XSDT length=92
204:352  0:000  Patch table: SSDT  AoacTabl
204:352  0:000   SSDT len = 0x7CA
204:352  0:000  Patch table: SSDT  SataTabl
204:352  0:000   SSDT len = 0x36D
204:352  0:000  Drop tables from Xsdt, SIGN=XXXX TableID= Length=0
204:352  0:000   Xsdt has tables count=7
204:352  0:000  corrected XSDT length=92
204:352  0:000   CPUBase=0 and ApicCPUBase=1 ApicCPUNum=2
204:352  0:000  Maximum control=0x1E
204:352  0:000  P-States: min 0x10, max 0x1E
204:352  0:000  SSDT with CPU P-States generated successfully
204:352  0:000  SSDT with CPU C-States generated successfully
204:352  0:000  EdidDiscovered size=128
204:352  0:000  00 | 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 4C 2D DE 04 33 32 4D 43
204:352  0:000  16 | 0D 13 01 03 80 33 1D 78 2A EE 91 A3 54 4C 99 26
204:352  0:000  32 | 0F 50 54 23 08 00 81 00 81 40 81 80 95 00 B3 00
204:352  0:000  48 | A9 40 01 01 01 01 1A 36 80 A0 70 38 1F 40 30 20
204:352  0:000  64 | 35 00 DD 0C 11 00 00 1A 00 00 00 FD 00 38 3D 1E
204:352  0:000  80 | 4B 11 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC 00 53
204:352  0:000  96 | 79 6E 63 4D 61 73 74 65 72 0A 20 20 00 00 00 FF
204:352  0:000  112 | 00 48 39 58 53 33 31 39 37 38 31 0A 20 20 00 82
204:352  0:000  NVidia GFX injection not set
204:352  0:000  USB Controller [8086:1C2D] :: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)
204:352  0:000  USB Controller [8086:1C26] :: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)
204:352  0:000   RCBA access disabled; trying to enable
204:352  0:000  stringlength = 1176
204:352  0:000  CurrentMode: Width=1920 Height=1080
204:352  0:000  Beginning FSInjection
FSInjectionInstall ...
- Our FSI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL installed on handle: D3DB1E18
FSInjectionInstall ...
- Our FSI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL installed on handle: D3DB1E18
204:358  0:006  MSR 0x1B0   set to        00000000
204:358  0:000  Preparing kexts injection for arch=x86_64 from EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other
204:369  0:010    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\FakeSMC.kext
204:374  0:005  Preparing kexts injection for arch=x86_64 from EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.11
204:375  0:001    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.11\FakeSMC.kext
204:381  0:006  Removed efi-boot-device-data variable: Not Found
204:381  0:000  Custom boot is disabled
204:381  0:000  Closing log
Super usr
Super usr

Date d'inscription : 06/01/2013
Localisation : Metz 

Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Empty Re: Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

Message par chris1111 Dim 27 Mar - 10:16

ScreenZ a écrit:
0:100  0:100  MemLog inited, TSC freq: 2993207459
0:100  0:000  
0:100  0:000  Now is 27.3.2016,  14:7:59 (GMT+2047)
0:100  0:000  Starting Clover rev 3330 on American Megatrends EFI
0:100  0:000  SelfDevicePath=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,57B94C6A-55FE-4414-8A1B-897C7DF325A6,0x28,0x64000) @D3DEC118
0:100  0:000  SelfDirPath = \EFI\BOOT
0:100  0:000  Total Memory Slots Count = 4
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 0
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 2048MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 0 ChannelA-DIMM0
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 1
0:100  0:000  Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 0MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 0MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 1 ChannelA-DIMM1
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 2
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 1333MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 2048MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 2 ChannelB-DIMM0
0:100  0:000  Type 17 Index = 3
0:100  0:000  Ignoring insane frequency value 0MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Speed = 0MHz
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Size = 0MB
0:100  0:000  SmbiosTable.Type17->Bank/Device = BANK 3 ChannelB-DIMM1
0:100  0:000  Boot status=0
0:100  0:000  Clover revision: 3330  running on MS-7788
0:100  0:000  ... with board H61M-P20 (G3) (MS-7788)
0:100  0:000  CPU Vendor = 756E6547 Model=206A7
0:100  0:000  The CPU not supported turbo
0:100  0:000  BrandString = Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G860 @ 3.00GHz
0:100  0:000  MSR 0xE2 before patch 1E008401
0:100  0:000  MSR 0xE2 is locked, PM patches will be turned on
0:100  0:000  MSR 0xE4              00010414
0:100  0:000  MSR 0xCE              00001000_60011E00
0:100  0:000  non-usable FLEX_RATIO = 10000
0:100  0:000  corrected FLEX_RATIO = 0
0:100  0:000  MSR 0x1B0             00000000
0:100  0:000  FSBFrequency=100MHz DMIvalue=100000kHz
0:100  0:000  Corrected FSBFrequency=100MHz
0:100  0:000  Vendor/Model/Stepping: 0x756E6547/0x2A/0x7
0:100  0:000  Family/ExtFamily: 0x6/0x0
0:100  0:000  MaxDiv/MinDiv: 30.0/16
0:100  0:000  Turbo: 30/30/30/30
0:100  0:000  Features: 0xBFEBFBFF
0:100  0:000  Threads: 2
0:100  0:000  Cores: 2
0:100  0:000  FSB: 100 MHz
0:100  0:000  CPU: 3000 MHz
0:100  0:000  TSC: 3000 MHz
0:100  0:000  PIS: 400 MHz
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:00.00) : 8086 0100 class=060000
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:01.00) : 8086 0101 class=060400
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|01:00.00) : 10DE 104A class=030000
0:100  0:000  Found NVidia model=Gigabyte GeForce GT 610
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|01:00.01) : 10DE 0E08 class=040300
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:16.00) : 8086 1C3A class=078000
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:16.01) : FFFF FFFF class=FFFFFF
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1A.00) : 8086 1C2D class=0C0320
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1B.00) : 8086 1C20 class=040300
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1C.00) : 8086 1C10 class=060400
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|02:00.00) : 168C 0030 class=028000
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1C.04) : 8086 1C18 class=060400
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|03:00.00) : 10EC 8136 class=020000
0:100  0:000  LAN 0, Vendor=10EC, MMIO=D000
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1D.00) : 8086 1C26 class=0C0320
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.00) : 8086 1C5C class=060100
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.02) : 8086 1C02 class=010601
0:100  0:000  PCI (00|00:1F.03) : 8086 1C22 class=0C0500
0:100  0:000  Clover load options size = 0 bytes
0:147  0:047  Using OEM config.plist at path: EFI\CLOVER\config.plist
0:148  0:000  EFI\CLOVER\config.plist loaded: Success
0:162  0:014  Found theme directory: Space
0:169  0:007  Found theme directory: Metro
0:179  0:010  Found theme directory: EMBEDDED
0:184  0:004  Found theme directory: NEWYEAR
0:187  0:002  Found theme directory: RANDOM
0:188  0:001  Loading early settings
0:188  0:000  timeout set to 8
0:188  0:000  Custom boot CUSTOM_BOOT_DISABLED (0x0)
0:188  0:000  KextsToPatch: 2 requested
0:188  0:000  KextsToPatch 0: AppleAHCIPort (External icons patch) Kext bin patch, data len: 8
0:188  0:000  KextsToPatch 1: AirPortAtheros40 (Atheros Locale Fix) Kext bin patch, data len: 3
0:188  0:000  Default theme: Metro
0:188  0:000  Hiding entries with string BOOTX64.EFI
0:188  0:000  Hiding entries with string Windows
0:188  0:000  LoadDrivers() start
0:195  0:006  Loading CsmVideoDxe-64.efi  status=Success
0:196  0:000   - driver needs connecting
0:196  0:000  Loading DataHubDxe-64.efi  status=Success
0:212  0:016  Loading FSInject-64.efi  status=Success
0:219  0:006  Loading OsxAptioFixDrv-64.efi  status=Success
0:228  0:009  Loading OsxFatBinaryDrv-64.efi  status=Success
0:229  0:000  Loading VBoxHfs-64.efi  status=Success
0:230  0:000   - driver needs connecting
0:230  0:000  2 drivers needs connecting ...
0:230  0:000  PlatformDriverOverrideProtocol not found. Installing ... Success
0:230  0:000  Video driver loaded: disconnect Success
0:314  0:083  Searching for invalid DiskIo BY_DRIVER connects: not found, all ok
0:326  0:012  CsmVideoDriverBindingStart
0:326  0:000  mixed support=40010
0:326  0:000  Controller is [030000]
0:326  0:000  Check for VBE
0:393  0:066   found Detail Timing 1920x1080
0:404  0:010    0 640x480 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, 640x480, working, highest, pref=0
0:406  0:001    1 800x600 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, 800x600, working, highest, pref=1
0:407  0:001    2 1024x768 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, 1024x768, working, highest, pref=2
0:409  0:001    3 1280x1024 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, working, highest, pref=3
0:420  0:010    4 1920x1080 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, working, highest, pref=4
0:422  0:001    5 1280x800 attr=3BF - ok, edid+, working
0:422  0:000  CsmVideo: New mode: 4 1920x1080 - set
1:247  0:825   - SetMode pref 4 (4) = Success
1:247  0:000  CsmVideoCheckForVbe - Success
1:247  0:000  CsmVideoDriverBindingStart end Success
1:247  0:000  CsmVideo: New mode: 2 1024x768 - blocking that switch
1:248  0:000  CsmVideo: New mode: 1 800x600 - blocking that switch
1:248  0:000  CsmVideo: New mode: 1 800x600 - blocking that switch
1:935  0:687  LoadDrivers() end
1:935  0:000  Dump SMC keys from NVRAM:
1:944  0:008  Console modes reported: 3, available modes:
1:944  0:000    Mode 1: 80x25
1:944  0:000    Mode 2: 80x50
1:944  0:000    Mode 3: 100x31 (current mode)
1:944  0:000  reinit: self device path=PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,57B94C6A-55FE-4414-8A1B-897C7DF325A6,0x28,0x64000)
1:945  0:000  MAC address of LAN #0= D4:3D:7E:03:D9:98:
1:945  0:000  ScanSPD() start
1:945  0:000  SMBus CmdReg: 0x3
1:945  0:000  Scanning SMBus [8086:1C22], mmio: 0xF7204004, ioport: 0xF000, hostc: 0x1
1:945  0:000  Slots to scan [8]...
1:959  0:014  SPD[0]: Type 11 @0x50
1:968  0:008  DDR speed 1333MHz
1:968  0:000  Slot: 0 Type 24 2048MB 1333MHz Vendor=Crucial Technology PartNo=ST25664BA1339.8FMD SerialNo=0A06000802070E03
1:988  0:020  SPD[2]: Type 11 @0x52
1:997  0:008  DDR speed 1333MHz
1:997  0:000  Slot: 2 Type 24 2048MB 1333MHz Vendor=Crucial Technology PartNo=ST25664BA1339.8FMD SerialNo=0A06000802070E0B
2:027  0:030  ScanSPD() end
2:027  0:000  Get Acpi Tables List from RSDT:
2:027  0:000   Found table: FACP  A M I len=132
2:027  0:000   Found table: APIC  A M I len=98
2:027  0:000   Found table: FPDT  A M I len=68
2:027  0:000   Found table: MCFG  A M I len=60
2:027  0:000   Found table: SSDT  AoacTabl len=1994
2:027  0:000   Found table: HPET  A M I len=56
2:027  0:000   Found table: SSDT  SataTabl len=877
2:027  0:000   Found table: SSDT  Cpu0Ist len=2408
2:027  0:000   Found table: SSDT  CpuPm len=2706
2:027  0:000  Calibrated TSC frequency =2993207459 =2993MHz
2:027  0:000  Loading main settings
2:027  0:000  USB FixOwnership: true
2:027  0:000  Dropping 3 tables
2:027  0:000  Drop table 0 signature="SSDT" (54445353) table-id="CpuPm" (0000006D50757043)
2:027  0:000  set table: 54445353,       6D50757043 to drop:  true
2:027  0:000  
2:027  0:000  Drop table 1 signature="SSDT" (54445353) table-id="Cpu0Ist" (0074734930757043)
2:027  0:000  set table: 54445353,   74734930757043 to drop:  true
2:027  0:000  
2:027  0:000  Drop table 2 signature="DMAR" (52414D44)
2:027  0:000  set table: 52414D44,                0 to drop:
2:027  0:000  Config set Fixes will override FixMask mask!
2:027  0:000     final mask=9FCAE955
2:027  0:000  Config set EnableC6: +
2:027  0:000  Config set ChassisType=0x8
2:028  0:000  found 15 volumes with blockIO
2:028  0:000   0. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)\USB(0x1,0x0)\USB(0x3,0x0)
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000   1. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)\USB(0x1,0x0)\USB(0x3,0x0)\Scsi(0x0,0x1)
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000   2. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)\USB(0x1,0x0)\USB(0x3,0x0)\Scsi(0x0,0x2)
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000   3. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)\USB(0x1,0x0)\USB(0x3,0x0)\Scsi(0x0,0x3)
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000    USB volume
2:028  0:000   4. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)
2:028  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
2:028  0:000   5. Volume:
2:028  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)
2:057  0:028   6. Volume:
2:057  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0xFFFF,0x0)
2:058  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
2:058  0:000   7. Volume:
2:058  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x5,0xFFFF,0x0)
2:058  0:000    found optical drive
2:058  0:000   8. Volume:
2:058  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x0,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x90D5D68F,0x3F,0x3A384C02)
2:059  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
2:066  0:007   9. Volume:
2:066  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,GPT,57B94C6A-55FE-4414-8A1B-897C7DF325A6,0x28,0x64000)
2:067  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable unknown (legacy)
2:087  0:020    This is SelfVolume !!
2:087  0:000  10. Volume:
2:087  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,GPT,4F222092-45F1-4720-8554-5CE3B9E38E8F,0x64028,0x251391B8)
2:088  0:000  11. Volume:
2:088  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(3,GPT,4590CADC-519D-4C06-B149-2AB74FB12273,0x2519D1E0,0x135F20)
2:121  0:032  12. Volume:
2:121  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x1,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(4,GPT,91EB9AEE-13E5-41C3-8309-39FD3A129E48,0x252D3100,0x15B988)
2:122  0:000  13. Volume:
2:122  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(1,MBR,0x5759645A,0x800,0x32000)
2:122  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
2:143  0:020  14. Volume:
2:143  0:000    PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1F,0x2)\Sata(0x4,0xFFFF,0x0)\HD(2,MBR,0x5759645A,0x32800,0x1D192800)
2:143  0:000    Result of bootcode detection: bootable Windows (vista,win)
2:179  0:036  Using theme 'Metro' (EFI\CLOVER\themes\Metro)
2:179  0:000  theme Metro defined in NVRAM found and theme.plist parsed
2:179  0:000  OS main and drive as badge
2:196  0:016  Choosing theme Metro
2:196  0:000  Custom entries start
2:196  0:000  Custom entries finish
2:196  0:000  Scanning loaders...
2:196  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   5: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   6: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   7: 'Whole Disc Boot' no file system
2:196  0:000   8: 'Backup 500 GO'
2:221  0:024   9: 'EFI'
2:229  0:008  10: 'El Capitan'
2:277  0:047      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=El Capitan
2:300  0:023      Check if volume Is Hibernated:
2:300  0:000      Check sleep image 'by signature':
2:355  0:054      read prefs \Library\Preferences\SystemConfiguration\com.apple.PowerManagement.plist status=Success
2:355  0:000      SleepImage name from pref: ImageVolume = 'El Capitan', ImageName = '\private\var\vm\sleepimage'
2:389  0:033      Reading first 512 bytes of sleepimage ...
2:398  0:009   OurBlockIoRead: Lba=2468168, Offset=48D02D000 (BlockSize=512)
2:398  0:000   sig lion: 73696D65
2:398  0:000   sig snow: 0
2:398  0:000   got sleep image offset
2:398  0:000      Reading completed -> Success
2:398  0:000       sleepimage offset acquired successfully: 48D02D000
2:398  0:000       gSleepTime: 1450858439
2:411  0:012       HFS+ volume modifyDate: 1459087661
2:411  0:000       image older then volume: 8229222 sec
2:411  0:000       image too old
2:411  0:000       hibernated: no - time
2:452  0:041  11: 'Recovery HD'
2:492  0:039      AddLoaderEntry for Volume Name=Recovery HD
2:511  0:018  12: 'Sans titre'
2:525  0:014  13: 'RÈservÈ au systËme'
2:534  0:008  14: ''
2:542  0:008  Custom legacy start
2:542  0:000  Custom legacy end
2:542  0:000  Scanning legacy ...
2:542  0:000   0: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   1: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   2: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   3: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   4: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   5: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   6: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   7: 'Whole Disc Boot' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   8: 'Backup 500 GO' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000   9: 'EFI' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000  10: 'El Capitan' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000  11: 'Recovery HD' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000  12: 'Sans titre' (legacy) not legacy
2:542  0:000  13: 'RÈservÈ au systËme' (vista,win) add legacy
2:575  0:033   added 'Boot Windows from RÈservÈ au systËme' OSType=2 Icon=vista,win
2:575  0:000  14: '' (vista,win) add legacy
2:576  0:000   added 'Boot Windows from ' OSType=2 Icon=vista,win
2:576  0:000  Custom tool start
2:576  0:000  Custom tool end
2:586  0:010  found tool \EFI\CLOVER\tools\Shell64U.efi
2:586  0:000  Checking EFI partition Volume 9 for Clover
2:587  0:000   Found Clover
2:599  0:012  GetEfiBootDeviceFromNvram: efi-boot-device-data not found
2:599  0:000  EfiBootVolume not found
2:599  0:000  Default boot entry not found
2:599  0:000  DefaultIndex=-1 and MainMenu.EntryCount=10
2:964  0:365  Found Mouse device:
2:965  0:000  GUI ready
203:976  201:010  BootOption of the entry is empty
203:976  0:000  StartLoader() start
203:976  0:000  Entry->Settings: <null string>
203:976  0:000  Finally: Bus=99773kHz CPU=2993MHz
203:976  0:000  Kernel and Kext Patches at D083A270:
203:976  0:000     Allowed: y
203:976  0:000     Debug: n
203:976  0:000     KernelCpu: n
203:976  0:000     Lapic: n
203:976  0:000     Haswell-E: n
203:976  0:000     AICPUPM: y
203:976  0:000     AppleRTC: y
203:976  0:000     KernelPm: y
203:976  0:000     FakeCPUID: 0x0
203:976  0:000     ATIController: null
203:976  0:000     ATIDataLength: 0
203:976  0:000     0 Kexts to load
203:976  0:000     2 Kexts to patch
203:976  0:000       KextPatch[0]: 8 bytes, AppleAHCIPort
203:976  0:000       KextPatch[1]: 3 bytes, AirPortAtheros40
203:976  0:000  Loading boot.efi  status=Success
204:200  0:223  GetOSVersion: : 10.11.4
204:200  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
204:200  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:1
204:200  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
204:200  0:000  insert table 9 for dev 0:0
204:201  0:000  Channels: 2
204:201  0:000  Interleave: 0 2 1 3 4 6 5 7 8 10 9 11 12 14 13 15 16 18 17 19 20 22 21 23
204:201  0:000  SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 0 => 0 0:
204:201  0:000  BANK0 DIMM0 1333MHz 2048MB
204:201  0:000  mTotalSystemMemory = 2048
204:201  0:000  SMBIOS Type 17 Index = 1 => 2 2:
204:201  0:000  BANK1 DIMM0 1333MHz 2048MB
204:201  0:000  mTotalSystemMemory = 4096
204:201  0:000  NumberOfMemoryDevices = 2
204:201  0:000  Type20[0]->End = 0x1FFFFF, Type17[0] = 0x800
204:201  0:000  Type20[1]->End = 0x3FFFFF, Type17[1] = 0x1800
204:201  0:000  Table 131 is present, CPUType=31
204:201  0:000  Change to: 603
204:201  0:000  RSDT 0xDEBC4028
204:201  0:000  FADT from RSDT: 0xDEBC40F0
204:201  0:000  XSDT 0xDEBC4078
204:201  0:000  FADT from XSDT: 0xDEBCDD88
204:201  0:000  Xsdt reallocation done
204:201  0:000  old FADT length=10C
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(GNVS, SystemMemory, DEBD0E18, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(MCHT, SystemMemory, FED10000, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(RCRB, SystemMemory, FED1C000, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(CPSB, SystemMemory, DEABEE18, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(TMMB, SystemMemory, FED40000, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(TVID, SystemMemory, FED40F00, ...)
204:201  0:000  Found OperationRegion(TPMR, SystemMemory, FED40000, ...)
204:220  0:018  Apply DsdtFixMask=0x9FCAE955 new way
204:220  0:000     drop _DSM mask=0x0000
204:220  0:000  ========= Auto patch DSDT Starting ========
204:220  0:000  VideoCard devID=0x104A10DE
204:220  0:000  DisplayADR1[0] = 0x10000, DisplayADR2[0] = 0x0
204:220  0:000  USBADR[0] = 0x1A0000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
204:346  0:126  Found Airport Atheros at 0x1C0000, 0x0, DeviceID=0x0030
204:346  0:000  USBADR[1] = 0x1D0000 and PCIe = 0xFFFE
204:347  0:000  first CPU found at 70A6 offset 70A9
204:347  0:000  score candidate at 70A2
204:347  0:000  score inserted in acpi_cpu_score _PR_
204:347  0:000  Found ACPI CPU: CPU0 And CPU1 And CPU2 And CPU3 And CPU4 And CPU5 And CPU6 And CPU7
  within the score: _PR_
204:347  0:000  Found PCIROOTUID = 0
204:347  0:000  Start RTC Fix
204:347  0:000  found RTC Length not match, Maybe will case CMOS reset will patch it.
204:347  0:000  found RTC had IRQNoFlag will move -3 bytes
204:347  0:000  ...len=9C4A
204:347  0:000  new size written to 2349 shift=0 len=9C4A
204:347  0:000  len after correct outers 9C4A
204:347  0:000  Start PIC Fix
204:347  0:000  PIC size=A5 at 21ED
204:347  0:000  found CRS at 2201 size 8D
204:347  0:000  found PIC had IRQNoFlag will move -3 bytes
204:347  0:000  Fix Device PIC size -3
204:347  0:000  Start HPET Fix
204:347  0:000  Start Display0 Fix
204:347  0:000  Found internal video device FFFF@3B59, unusable
204:347  0:000  Creating DSM for NVIDIA card
204:348  0:000  patch Display #0 of Vendor=0x10DE in DSDT new way
204:348  0:000  Start NetWork Fix
204:348  0:000  found NetWork device [0x001C0004:0] at 37D6 and Name is PXSX
204:348  0:000  NetworkADR1=1C0004 NetworkADR2=0
204:348  0:000  network DSM created, size=7C
204:348  0:000  Start Airport Fix
204:348  0:000  found Airport device [001C0000:0] at 33DA And Name is PXSX
204:348  0:000  Name PXSX present at 0xA2, renaming to ARPT
204:348  0:000  Name PXSX present at 0xE0, renaming to ARPT
204:348  0:000  AirportADR=33DA add patch size=F1
204:348  0:000  adr 33DA size of arpt=17
204:348  0:000  patch HDEF in DSDT
204:348  0:000  Start HDA Fix
204:349  0:000  found HDA device NAME(_ADR,0x001B0000) And Name is HDEF
204:349  0:000  NewName HDEF already present, renaming impossibble
204:349  0:000  Start Add IMEI
204:349  0:000  Start HDMI128 Fix
204:349  0:000  have no HDMI device while HDMIADR2=1
204:349  0:000  HDMIADR1=10000 HDMIADR2=1
204:349  0:000    with default properties
204:349  0:000   deleting device CRT_
204:350  0:000   deleting device DVI_
204:350  0:000   deleting device SPKR
204:350  0:000   deleting device ECP_
204:350  0:000   deleting device LPT_
204:350  0:000   deleting device FDC0
204:351  0:000   deleting device ECP1
204:351  0:000   deleting device LPT1
204:351  0:000  Start PNLF Fix
204:351  0:000  found PWRB at 3EDB
204:352  0:000  Start _S3D Fix
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (GNVS...) corrected to addr=0xDEBD0E18
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (MCHT...) corrected to addr=0xFED10000
204:352  0:000    indirect name=SRCB
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (RCRB...) corrected to addr=0xFED1C000
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (CPSB...) corrected to addr=0xDEABEE18
204:352  0:000    indirect name=ASLB
204:352  0:000  ... value not defined
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (IGDM...) corrected to addr=0x0
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (TMMB...) corrected to addr=0xFED40000
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (TVID...) corrected to addr=0xFED40F00
204:352  0:000  OperationRegion (TPMR...) corrected to addr=0xFED40000
204:352  0:000  Start ADP1 fix
204:352  0:000  no device(AC) exists
204:352  0:000  Start SHUTDOWN Fix len=9E3E
204:352  0:000  ========= Auto patch DSDT Finished ========
204:352  0:000  Drop tables from Xsdt, SIGN=SSDT TableID=CpuPm Length=2706
204:352  0:000   Xsdt has tables count=9
204:352  0:000   Table: SSDT  CpuPm  2706 dropped
204:352  0:000  corrected XSDT length=100
204:352  0:000  Drop tables from Xsdt, SIGN=SSDT TableID=Cpu0Ist Length=2408
204:352  0:000   Xsdt has tables count=8
204:352  0:000   Table: SSDT  Cpu0Ist  2408 dropped
204:352  0:000  corrected XSDT length=92
204:352  0:000  Patch table: SSDT  AoacTabl
204:352  0:000   SSDT len = 0x7CA
204:352  0:000  Patch table: SSDT  SataTabl
204:352  0:000   SSDT len = 0x36D
204:352  0:000  Drop tables from Xsdt, SIGN=XXXX TableID= Length=0
204:352  0:000   Xsdt has tables count=7
204:352  0:000  corrected XSDT length=92
204:352  0:000   CPUBase=0 and ApicCPUBase=1 ApicCPUNum=2
204:352  0:000  Maximum control=0x1E
204:352  0:000  P-States: min 0x10, max 0x1E
204:352  0:000  SSDT with CPU P-States generated successfully
204:352  0:000  SSDT with CPU C-States generated successfully
204:352  0:000  EdidDiscovered size=128
204:352  0:000  00 | 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 4C 2D DE 04 33 32 4D 43
204:352  0:000  16 | 0D 13 01 03 80 33 1D 78 2A EE 91 A3 54 4C 99 26
204:352  0:000  32 | 0F 50 54 23 08 00 81 00 81 40 81 80 95 00 B3 00
204:352  0:000  48 | A9 40 01 01 01 01 1A 36 80 A0 70 38 1F 40 30 20
204:352  0:000  64 | 35 00 DD 0C 11 00 00 1A 00 00 00 FD 00 38 3D 1E
204:352  0:000  80 | 4B 11 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC 00 53
204:352  0:000  96 | 79 6E 63 4D 61 73 74 65 72 0A 20 20 00 00 00 FF
204:352  0:000  112 | 00 48 39 58 53 33 31 39 37 38 31 0A 20 20 00 82
204:352  0:000  NVidia GFX injection not set
204:352  0:000  USB Controller [8086:1C2D] :: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1A,0x0)
204:352  0:000  USB Controller [8086:1C26] :: PciRoot(0x0)\Pci(0x1D,0x0)
204:352  0:000   RCBA access disabled; trying to enable
204:352  0:000  stringlength = 1176
204:352  0:000  CurrentMode: Width=1920 Height=1080
204:352  0:000  Beginning FSInjection
FSInjectionInstall ...
- Our FSI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL installed on handle: D3DB1E18
FSInjectionInstall ...
- Our FSI_SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL installed on handle: D3DB1E18
204:358  0:006  MSR 0x1B0   set to        00000000
204:358  0:000  Preparing kexts injection for arch=x86_64 from EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other
204:369  0:010    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other\FakeSMC.kext
204:374  0:005  Preparing kexts injection for arch=x86_64 from EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.11
204:375  0:001    Extra kext: EFI\CLOVER\kexts\10.11\FakeSMC.kext
204:381  0:006  Removed efi-boot-device-data variable: Not Found
204:381  0:000  Custom boot is disabled
204:381  0:000  Closing log

0:188 0:000 KextsToPatch 1: AirPortAtheros40 (Atheros Locale Fix) Kext bin patch, data len: 3


Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Empty Re: Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

Message par ScreenZ Dim 27 Mar - 11:28

Ce qui veux dire que je ne devrais plus avoir le soucis ?
Super usr
Super usr

Date d'inscription : 06/01/2013
Localisation : Metz 

Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Empty Re: Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

Message par chris1111 Dim 27 Mar - 11:32

ScreenZ a écrit:Ce qui veux dire que je ne devrais plus avoir le soucis ?
Il ny a rien de garantie ha12 Mais jusqu'à present pour moi sa marche très bien study

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Empty Re: Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

Message par ScreenZ Dim 27 Mar - 11:42

Ok, je croise les doigt alors ha6
Super usr
Super usr

Date d'inscription : 06/01/2013
Localisation : Metz 

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Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native  Empty Re: Carte Wifi PCI express TL-WDN4800 reconu en native

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