Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Capt1051
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Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Capt1051
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Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter

2 participants

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Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Empty Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter

Message par chris1111 Mar 23 Juin - 20:37

Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter
Programme en FR et EN
Le seul et unique Installer qui fonctionne dans Big Sur 10.16 +1

Voir les Videos lunette

Download sur mon Github ☞ Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter

Dernière édition par chris1111 le Ven 16 Déc - 15:28, édité 3 fois

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


jojodu13230, arcade33 et emax31 aiment ce message

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Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Empty Re: Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter

Message par schmalen Sam 4 Juil - 1:02

Hello, i cant install Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter on Big Sure iMac late 2012.

The installation willt Stop wit an error Message.. view Spoiler..  

Gatkeeper is Disabled!

Installation Protocol:

Regrads Schmalen

Date d'inscription : 01/01/2014

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Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Empty Re: Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter

Message par chris1111 Sam 4 Juil - 5:30

schmalen a écrit:Hello, i cant install Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter on Big Sure iMac late 2012.

The installation willt Stop wit an error Message.. view Spoiler..  

Gatkeeper is Disabled!

Installation Protocol:

Regrads Schmalen

This is Unsupported Mac?

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Empty Re: Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter

Message par schmalen Sam 4 Juil - 6:30

Thanks for replay, yes this is an late 2012 iMac, and unsopported.

I'm looking for an option, and found this in https://lynx.pink/big-sur-unsupported-macs-tldr/#/guides/usb_wifi


Date d'inscription : 01/01/2014

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Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Empty Re: Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter

Message par chris1111 Sam 4 Juil - 6:42

schmalen a écrit:Thanks for replay, yes this is an late 2012 iMac, and unsopported.

I'm looking for an option, and found this in https://lynx.pink/big-sur-unsupported-macs-tldr/#/guides/usb_wifi  

So your USB Wifi inot work after reboot?
For making work on my Hackintosh I have intalled  the Programme from my MacBook Pro late 2013 to an external USB case. I have boot my BS USB from the macBook then I installed the programme then unplug and put the SSD on my Hackintosh and its work.
So you are confirming that's not work on Unsupported Mac for now same as Hackintosh. I don't have any other solution because the kmutil extensions manager not working good for Unsupported Mac and Hackintosh.

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Empty Re: Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter

Message par schmalen Sam 4 Juil - 8:43

chris1111   i talk about that i want to put an WIFI USB Dongle on my unsupported iMac late 2012. (Big Sure), unsupported also that Big Sure dont use the included Wifi Card anymore, except i want to take some (Hacks) ;-). Now i thought that your program (Wireless USB Big Sur AdapterV-1) make it possible to use my Wifi USB Dongle on that original iMac late 2012?  But the innstallation is about few second broken!

view Files pls.
P.S.  On my Hackintos is Big Sure running with OpenCore.

Fichiers joints
Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Attachment
Historique de Programme d’installation 4-Jul-2020.txt Vous n'avez pas la permission de télécharger les fichiers joints.(22 Ko) Téléchargé 15 fois

Date d'inscription : 01/01/2014

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Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Empty Re: Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter

Message par chris1111 Sam 4 Juil - 9:19

schmalen a écrit:chris1111   i talk about that i want to put an WIFI USB Dongle on my unsupported iMac late 2012. (Big Sure), unsupported also that Big Sure dont use the included Wifi Card anymore, except i want to take some (Hacks) ;-). Now i thought that your program (Wireless USB Big Sur AdapterV-1) make it possible to use my Wifi USB Dongle on that original iMac late 2012?  But the innstallation is about few second broken!

view Files pls.
P.S.  On my Hackintos is Big Sure running with OpenCore.

You don't understand I said that's not possible

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter Empty Re: Wireless USB Big Sur Adapter

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