Final Cut Pro X super lent Capt1051
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Final Cut Pro X super lent Capt1051
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Final Cut Pro X super lent

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 14:19


Voila mon problème, j'ai un macbook pro retina de 2015 (i7, 16gb ram, 256 ssd et iris pro) sur une vidéo de 5 min en HD l'exportation (h256) prend environ 1min 20.

La même vidéo sur mon hackintosh i7 4790k, 32GB ram, 256GB ssd, Radeon r9 280x ça mais environ 20min.

Alors d'ou vient le problème? Sachant que mon hachintosh est super stable, tout marche dessus (il à étais assemblé pour)
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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 14:29

Et pourtant que avec le test BruceX suis à 35 sec, ce qui est pas mal
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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par emax31 Jeu 28 Jan - 14:36

Le trim est-il toujours actif ?

 Thèmes  :

Important : Une fois résolu, l'auteur du sujet peut ajouter [Résolu] au début du titre en cliquant sur Editer de son premier message, et ajouter un bref récapitulatif de la solution à la fin de celui-ci ou mieux faire un tuto. Merci.

Date d'inscription : 04/12/2013
Localisation : Ariège - Grenoble - France

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 14:38

Je sais pas, comment le savoir?
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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 14:42

après recherche sur le net et vérification ça me dit non, je vais l'active pour voir
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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 14:50

J'ai activé TRIM, le teste de BRUCEX est passé de 35sec à 22 sec, par contre le fichier HD de 3 min mais toujours beaucoup de temps Sad
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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par emax31 Jeu 28 Jan - 14:56

Regarde avec un utilitaire comme menumeter ou dr cleaner ou memory clean l'utilisation de la mémoire.
Donne également la version de final cut pro

 Thèmes  :

Important : Une fois résolu, l'auteur du sujet peut ajouter [Résolu] au début du titre en cliquant sur Editer de son premier message, et ajouter un bref récapitulatif de la solution à la fin de celui-ci ou mieux faire un tuto. Merci.

Date d'inscription : 04/12/2013
Localisation : Ariège - Grenoble - France

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par chris1111 Jeu 28 Jan - 14:58

Tu aurait pas un problème de GraphicsPowerManagement?

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 14:59

Le hackintosh je vien de l'installé il y a pas d'autre programme à part fcpx et ce installé à la base, mais je vais quand même verifié
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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 14:59

chris1111 a écrit:Tu aurait pas un problème de GraphicsPowerManagement?

Comment le savoir? Smile
Top usr
Top usr

Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par chris1111 Jeu 28 Jan - 15:00

Galatasaray a écrit:
chris1111 a écrit:Tu aurait pas un problème de GraphicsPowerManagement?

Comment le savoir? Smile
sudo dmesg

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 15:01

chris1111 a écrit:
Galatasaray a écrit:
chris1111 a écrit:Tu aurait pas un problème de GraphicsPowerManagement?

Comment le savoir? Smile
sudo dmesg
699976: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
16.700992: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
16.701386: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
16.702015: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0 for handle -501
16.831098: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
16.831850: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
16.831962: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
16.832436: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
16.835305: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
16.836297: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
16.836484: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
16.837102: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
ignored is_io_service_close(0x10000039a,IOHIDParamUserClient)
Sandbox: coreduetd(65) deny(1) file-read-metadata /usr/libexec
17.717567: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
17.717918: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
17.718282: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
17.718645: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
17.718798: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
17.719190: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
Sandbox: storeaccountd(333) deny(1) file-write-create /Users/ferdieryilmaz/Library/Caches/com.apple.spotlight
Sandbox: storeaccountd(333) deny(1) file-write-create /Users/ferdieryilmaz/Library/Caches/com.apple.spotlight
Sandbox: storeaccountd(333) deny(1) file-write-create /Users/ferdieryilmaz/Library/Caches/com.apple.spotlight
Sandbox: storeaccountd(333) deny(1) file-write-create /Users/ferdieryilmaz/Library/Caches/com.apple.spotlight
Sandbox: AssetCacheLocato(359) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.cookied
Sandbox: SocialPushAgent(367) deny(1) file-write-data /Users/ferdieryilmaz/Library/Preferences/com.apple.socialpushagent.plist
Sandbox: SocialPushAgent(367) deny(1) file-write-data /Users/ferdieryilmaz/Library/Preferences/com.apple.socialpushagent.plist
27.250763: ATHR: unknown locale: 21
27.252587: ATHR: unknown locale: 21
27.252800: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
27.253183: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
27.255877: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
27.256330: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
27.260164: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
27.260559: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
62.797889: ATHR: unknown locale: 21
AMDRadeonX4000_AMDAccelDevice: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch
AMDRadeonX4000_AMDAccelDevice: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch
Google Chrome[273] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c1c4556f. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[456] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c1a345e7. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[457] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687d7d7. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
212.997581: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
212.998046: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
213.000324: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
Setting BTCoex Profile: band:8
Profile[0]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:0,0,0,0,
Profile[1]: mode:0; desense:0; desense_level:0; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
Profile[2]: mode:0; desense:1; desense_level:1; chain_power_offset:-7,0,-7,0,
213.000579: apple80211Request[10514] Unsupported ioctl 221
IOCTL not recognized: 221 out of 236
Google Chrome He[460] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687d6df. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[461] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687dabf. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[463] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687dbb7. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[464] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687dcaf. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[466] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c42b6f1f. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[467] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687dcaf. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[475] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687dcaf. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
ignored is_io_service_close(0x10000039a,IOHIDParamUserClient)
ignored is_io_service_close(0x10000039a,IOHIDParamUserClient)
ignored is_io_service_close(0x10000039a,IOHIDParamUserClient)
ignored is_io_service_close(0x10000039a,IOHIDParamUserClient)
ignored is_io_service_close(0x10000039a,IOHIDParamUserClient)
AMDRadeonX4000_AMDAccelDevice: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch
AMDRadeonX4000_AMDAccelDevice: IOUserClient outputCount count mismatch
hfs: mounted Recovery HD on device disk0s3
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.DiskArbitration.diskarbitrationd
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: AssetCacheLocato(508) deny(1) mach-lookup com.apple.cookied
hfs: unmount initiated on Recovery HD on device disk0s3
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: SoftwareUpdateCo(513) deny(1) authorization-right-obtain system.install.app-store-software.standard-user
Sandbox: SoftwareUpdateCo(513) deny(1) authorization-right-obtain system.install.app-store-software.standard-user
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: SoftwareUpdateCo(533) deny(1) authorization-right-obtain system.install.app-store-software.standard-user
Sandbox: SoftwareUpdateCo(533) deny(1) authorization-right-obtain system.install.app-store-software.standard-user
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: SoftwareUpdateCo(537) deny(1) authorization-right-obtain system.install.app-store-software.standard-user
Sandbox: SoftwareUpdateCo(537) deny(1) authorization-right-obtain system.install.app-store-software.standard-user
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdate_d(503) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: SoftwareUpdateCo(542) deny(1) authorization-right-obtain system.install.app-store-software.standard-user
Sandbox: SoftwareUpdateCo(542) deny(1) authorization-right-obtain system.install.app-store-software.standard-user
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: SoftwareUpdateCo(547) deny(1) authorization-right-obtain system.install.app-store-software.standard-user
Sandbox: SoftwareUpdateCo(547) deny(1) authorization-right-obtain system.install.app-store-software.standard-user
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
process VTEncoderXPCServ[488] thread 8110 caught burning CPU! It used more than 50% CPU (Actual recent usage: 67%) over 180 seconds. thread lifetime cpu usage 90.028661 seconds, (89.243310 user, 0.785351 system) ledger info: balance: 90016704789 credit: 90016704789 debit: 0 limit: 90000000000 (50%) period: 180000000000 time since last refill (ns): 133756161575
Google Chrome He[593] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687d2ff. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[594] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c1c4708f. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[595] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c63ddb3f. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[596] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687d7d7. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Sandbox: softwareupdated(408) deny(1) system-fsctl 682f
Google Chrome He[649] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687d10f. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[653] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c4de7f97. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Sandbox: storedownloadd(413) deny(1) file-read-data /dev
Google Chrome He[660] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c1c46da7. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[663] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c4de7f97. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Google Chrome He[664] triggered unnest of range 0x7fff9b800000->0x7fff9ba00000 of DYLD shared region in VM map 0x9985fa00c687d10f. While not abnormal for debuggers, this increases system memory footprint until the target exits.
Top usr
Top usr

Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 15:02

La mémoire est utilisé à 45%
Top usr
Top usr

Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par chris1111 Jeu 28 Jan - 15:05

c'est quoi ta carte Graphics

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 15:07

c'est une Radeon R9 280X, j'ai acheté ce modéle car elle est plus performante que les Nvidia sur FCPX (via opengl)
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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par chris1111 Jeu 28 Jan - 15:08

Galatasaray a écrit:c'est une Radeon R9 280X, j'ai acheté ce modéle car elle est plus performante que les Nvidia sur FCPX (via opengl)

Quelle OS X tu est

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 15:10

El Capitan
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Top usr

Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par chris1111 Jeu 28 Jan - 15:12

Galatasaray a écrit:El Capitan

El Capitan quoi

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 15:13

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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 15:14

Il y à des soucis sur EL Capitan et le hackintosh?
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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par chris1111 Jeu 28 Jan - 15:18

El Capitan tu a environ 15 version depuis sa sortie aller je tai demander quelle
est ton El Capitan

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 15:23

10.11.2 Smile
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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par chris1111 Jeu 28 Jan - 15:38

Envois en fichier ZIP
ton rapport System dans menue pomme / Apropos de ce Mac / Rapport System

Fichier / enregistrer

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par Galatasaray Jeu 28 Jan - 15:43

chris1111 a écrit:Envois en fichier ZIP
ton rapport System dans menue pomme / Apropos de ce Mac / Rapport System

Fichier / enregistrer

Voila: http://dl.free.fr/rm.pl?h=sb2KTZt7H&i=77163001&s=di1Z2fmELgKne0OBsG9Qruc8SbPUhEV0
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Date d'inscription : 21/12/2014

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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

Message par chris1111 Jeu 28 Jan - 15:44

Galatasaray a écrit:
chris1111 a écrit:Envois en fichier ZIP
ton rapport System dans menue pomme / Apropos de ce Mac / Rapport System

Fichier / enregistrer

Voila: http://dl.free.fr/rm.pl?h=sb2KTZt7H&i=77163001&s=di1Z2fmELgKne0OBsG9Qruc8SbPUhEV0

Ton lien marche pas utilise ceci


Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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Final Cut Pro X super lent Empty Re: Final Cut Pro X super lent

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