HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Capt1051
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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Capt1051
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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par platinumsteel Lun 19 Juin - 17:18

Hi to u all again...I am having an issue with a core i3 Sandy Bridge cpu on my Hp Probook 4440s.....I have 2x Hp probook's labtops ...One with a Ivy-Bridge Core i3 3120m and one with a Sandy Bridge Core i3 2350m ....I gave my friend the Hp probook with the Ivy-Bridge Core i3 3120m which works flawlessly witth the Chris MacOS Siera HP Probook Installer....I don't get any issues at all with going tru the installation and also post installation..because everything works 100%......But since i gave my friend that Hp Probook I now have the Sandy Bridge Core i3 2350m in my possession and my problem is I am not able to reach to the Installer Screen for MacOSX Sierra when i use Chris MacOS Siera HP Probook Installer ..If u look at the picture below u can see where It get stuck..
HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems IMG_20170602_175804

I am guessing it is a Graphics Issue...But then again am not able to quite figure out exactly what it might be....So i thought I would come here hoping u guys can help me out...When I use the Chris MacOS Siera HP Probook Installer i am not able to reach the installer screen...So hoping u guys understand what am trying to say and any help will be greatly appreciated..thanks...I will attach my DSDT.aml and SSDT.aml if atold it will help.

Date d'inscription : 22/09/2016

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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par chris1111 Lun 19 Juin - 19:39

try this
Fichiers joints
HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Attachment
config.plist.zip Vous n'avez pas la permission de télécharger les fichiers joints.(3 Ko) Téléchargé 25 fois

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par platinumsteel Lun 19 Juin - 19:55

Ok thanks.. i just tried out that config and i got this error..
HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems IMG_20170619_205119


Date d'inscription : 22/09/2016

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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par chris1111 Lun 19 Juin - 20:02

Do you have a patch DSDT for HD3000 ?

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par platinumsteel Lun 19 Juin - 20:09

No i am not quite sure if it is patched....All i had was a DSDT from the Ivy Bridge Hp Probook 4440s I had before which was working flawlessly.At the moment i just selected the Generate DSDT in your Hp Probook Installer Option checked..Should i retrieve that DSDT i had from before and use that one?

Date d'inscription : 22/09/2016

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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par chris1111 Lun 19 Juin - 20:12

Yes you Should i retrieve that DSDT i had from before and use that one
The probook Installer not générateur DSDT but SSDT

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par platinumsteel Lun 19 Juin - 20:20

Ok no luck yet.Just tried it and got this
HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems IMG_20170619_211827

Date d'inscription : 22/09/2016

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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par chris1111 Lun 19 Juin - 20:21

platinumsteel a écrit:Ok no luck yet.Just tried it and got this
HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems IMG_20170619_211827
You try an Installer OS X ! Why your not said this ?

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par platinumsteel Lun 19 Juin - 20:24

The installer I used was this one
HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Sierra_hp

Date d'inscription : 22/09/2016

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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par chris1111 Lun 19 Juin - 20:33

platinumsteel a écrit:The installer I used was this one
HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Sierra_hp
Sorry man but you try to Load a USB Installer OSX
That is showing in your Picture

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par platinumsteel Lun 19 Juin - 20:41

Not to sure if i understand...But i used this command to create the Sierra Installer USB
''sudo/Applications/Install\macOS\Sierra.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Sierra.app''
Then i used your MacOS Sierra HP Probook-v11 to install clover...Did i still do anything wrong?

Date d'inscription : 22/09/2016

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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par chris1111 Lun 19 Juin - 21:14

Where do you see Install Probook Installer for USB Installer 466793
Please Stop Stop making and saying foolishness
Probook Installer is for Post Installer

Date d'inscription : 18/12/2012
Localisation : Laval. Québec Canada


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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par platinumsteel Lun 19 Juin - 21:22

oh ok then sorry...Which one of these tools am I supposed to use to create the USB Installer? Could i use anyone of these tools?
HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Usb_installer


Date d'inscription : 22/09/2016

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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

Message par platinumsteel Mar 20 Juin - 15:13

Ok i ended up using the MacOS Sierra USB Installer 1.9 and swap the config.plist u sent me....And I finally reached the installer..After it appeared stuck i left it for 10 minutes and it eventually booted to the installer screen..So i am going to install it as usual then will see how the post installation works out.

Date d'inscription : 22/09/2016

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HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems Empty Re: HP Probook 4440s Sandy Bridge Problems

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